So here's another piece from the jumping series I've been working on. It took long enough to complete what with the holidays and stuff.
I have another piece in mind for the series, but I think I'm gonna move to some watercolour painting first. I'll keep you posted.
One of friends and co-worker, Phillips, is moving to Japan for work. He commissioned me to paint a piece for him to remind him of his time spent in Canada.
This is the end result, based on his request. I really like it.
36" x 36" |
So this Holiday Season, I've decided to make books of some of my art as gifts... and they look pretty good.
Here are samples of the interior pages. I have two books created so far. One of my more traditional pieces, and the other, of abstract work.
Both books are 8"x 6". If Anyone is interested in buying copies of the books, please feel free to contact me. The books are priced at $28 each.
I've been fortunate in my life to have meet some really incredible people. It's remarkable how individuals can push us to grow and become better. They shape us, share unique perspectives and allow us to see things from vantage points we may have never considered.
For this, I am greatly appreciative. It's funny how a persons' energy can influence and inspire us to do or make great things. And each person is different. The results manifest themselves in distinctive ways. It's truly amazing and energizing.
Here are some two pieces I've worked on in the last few months and their processes.
Thanks you for inspiring me.
My sister in-law has a fundraiser every year to raise money for cancer and cancer awareness. She's asked me to paint something that will be auctioned off for the cause. Here is what I've produced. I kinda like them.
16"x20" |
16"x20" |
Here is the complement image to that of the image below. I'm still experimenting with gradients and a lot of negative space. I really love the weight of these voids.
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24" x 24" |
As compared to earlier pieces I've painted, these images are particularly cold.
Sorry about not posting in a while, it's just been soooo busy, I haven't had the opportunity to do very much. Halloween nearly killed me- trying to craft an elaborate costume in a few days, which no one ended up getting... I mean what a waste. Anyway, moreover, I DID make the time to paint. Earlier this week I was feeling kinda blah, and I just needed to get it on canvas. So I produced this.
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24" x 24" |
I think I'm going to start incorporating more gradients in my pieces. It adds an extra element of depth, and I'm really responding to it. There is an overall sadness to the piece, but it's compelling nonetheless.
I like it.
I know I already posted this on my Home page, but I thought it also merited a post here as well.
UPDATE- The commissioner, Heather, LOVES IT!... she really does have good taste ;)
So I'm supposed to by at work right now, but I'm feeling...'not right', so I'm home for the day. The upside, I've had the day to work and I've produced another piece.
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18" x 24" |
Did this piece last night. I've got two canvases that are the same size so I think I'll make a complementing piece in the same colour scheme.
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4/10/2010 |
The piece is a bit cooler than the others in the series... I suppose it reflects my mood...
So these are the pieces from the series that I've been working on.
My really good friend and fabulous photographer Symeon, came over last night and shot them all...
( Thank you for inspiring me )

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